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St James CofE Primary and Nursery School

Home Page

St James CofE Primary and Nursery School


 Thinking of joining us?


Come and visit us 

If you are interested in your child joining the school, please contact us to discuss what we have to offer and to arrange a visit if you can.  

Please call our office directly on 01837 52341 or email -


How to apply 

Most children join our school at the normal round, the main intake into school from the start of September in Reception.  As a parent, you can apply for a place to the Local Authority.  

There are different options for parents of children starting school in Reception. This includes part-time education and deferring or delaying admission until later in the Reception year or, for children with birthdays in the summer term, to the following September. Come and talk to us if you are considering this. 

Do come and talk with us if you are interested in a place in a different year group for any reason.  


Applications for residents of Devon are made between 15 November and 15 January for primary schools at


If your child lives in another LA, including Cornwall, Dorset, Plymouth, Somerset, and Torbay you should apply through that council. The closing dates are the same nationally.  

For questions about your child joining the school or just about the admissions process in general, please don’t hesitate to contact the school direct or contact Devon School Admissions Service on 0345 155 1019 or by email to  Devon publishes guides to the admissions process: the Step by Step Guide and the In-Year Guide at  


If you are interested in your child joining the school in-year (once the academic year has started), you can apply for a place through Devon County Council at  


Admission Arrangements 

  • Parent Privacy Notice   
  • Student Privacy Notice 

Devon County Council is the admissions authority for our school. It has responsibility for the admissions policies and decisions on applications for admission. We have an admissions policy for each academic year and they will be published on this page when they are proposed for consultation and after they have been determined annually. They are written to comply with the School Admissions Code 2021 and School Admissions Appeals Code 2022.  


The Local Authority 

We take part in the co-ordinated admissions schemes of Devon County Council. Devon County Council publishes information about admissions and its own policies to support the admissions application and appeals process. This is at 

Applications can be made online at or by using the forms available at   

The appeals process is detailed at 


Our Admissions Policies 

You can find our admissions policies below - we review the school policy annually and may make changes if we feel this would be in the best interests of the school and our community. 

Each academic year has its own policy document, with details about how to apply for a place in school from the start of Year X through to Year Y. 


School admissions policy 2023-24 

See our determined policy below.  If you have any comments regarding the policy, you can contact us at the school or    



School admissions policy 2024-25 

See the policy below.  If you have any comments regarding the policy, you can contact us at the school or


Proposed changes from the policy for 2023 are highlighted in red text.  

The policy will be determined by our admissions authority before the end of February and published here by 15 March 2023. 


The Admissions Appeals Timetable 2024 

Appeals at the normal round of admissions will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals on 31 May 2024. Where the application was not made in time for a decision to be made on 16 April 2024, they will be heard within that 40-day period or, if that is not possible, within 30 days of the appeal being lodged. In-year admission appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. 

Appeals at the normal round of admissions will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals on 31 March 2024. Where the application was not made in time for a decision to be made on 1 March 2023, they will be heard within that 40-day period or, if that is not possible, within 30 days of the appeal being lodged. In-year admission appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.  

For Post 16, appeals will be heard within the same 40-day period; where a place would have been conditional upon exam results, appeals must be heard within 30 school days of confirmation of those results. 


Published Admission Number (PAN)

A primary school's PAN (published admission number) is the number of school places that must be offered in Reception each year. 


PAN's must be included in a school’s admission arrangements. The PAN is set by the admission authority for the school. For community schools, the local authority is the admissions authority, for voluntary aided schools (i.e. faith schools that aren't academies) the governing body is the admission authority and for academies, the academy trust or governing body is the admission authority. Any reduction in PAN must be consulted on publically, normally 18 months in advance of when the changed PAN will come into effect. 


The PAN (for admission into Reception) is normally derived from the net capacity assessment for the school. Net capacity assessments (NCA) are a DfE tool used by local authorities to assess the physical accommodation of an individual school.


The NCA considers all the space in the school (minus bits that are deemed not to be teaching space) and then uses a calculation to determine how many pupils, across all year groups, the school can reasonably and safely accommodate. The assessment generates an indicative admission number (IAN) which is established by dividing by 7 for a primary school (7 year groups). 


When demand is high a school's PAN is normally set in line with the indicative admissions number so that maximum use is made of the teaching space available at the school. When demand is low the PAN can be reduced to manage the financial impact on the school. eg. if a school with 60 places is only educating 30 or fewer children in each year group the school might reduce the PAN so that only one teacher needs to be employed for each year group. 


A school can not legally admit fewer children than it's PAN where parents wish to have a place at the school (ie. have expressed a preference for the school on their Reception application). 


At St James our PAN is 30. 


Deferred Admission

All parents can defer admission until the start of term after the 5th birthday. Deferral during a reception year is a parental right, arranged after a place is offered. Offers are held open if the school is informed. Offers can’t be held open past Easter and will be withdrawn if not taken up. Parents must then reapply – in-year for year 1 which may already be full or at a key stage one class limit.

If a child is summer-born, a parent can request delayed admission to reception for the following September but a place can’t be held open to the next academic year. The decision rests with the admission authority for the school.

There are two stages to delayed admission: (1) request agreement in writing to admissions ideally by March, at least before the end of the June before your child could join reception and if it is agreed (2) formally apply for admission in the next academic year.

Agreements and refusals for delayed admission are both lawful responses to parents. Refusals must be reasoned and on individual circumstances.

Admission Policy consultation has now been completed. Please see Admissions Policy below. 
