We have chosen our school uniform to be suitable for indoor and outdoor learning and to be practical and affordable.
Our school uniform is:
For PE: White t-shirt, black shorts/joggers/leggings and black trainers. Children wear their PE kits into school on their PE days.
For Outdoors: A pair of wellies. Any colour is fine! We also recommend a set of St James waterproofs which are available from the uniform online shop (see link below).
Water bottle: Any type but please check it has a non leaky lid! Sports bottles are often the best option. Water bottles should only contain water.
There is no expectation that any of our Nursery children wear a uniform. However, we will be encouraging your children to explore indoors and outdoors throughout the day and therefore they need to wear practical clothes that are suitable for all kinds of activities. Our uniform provider does offer a range of suitable clothing for our youngest children, should parents wish to purchase clothing from them.
The polo shirts, trousers, shorts, summer dresses, school shoes, PE Kit and wellies can be purchased from anywhere. There are specialist school uniform shops or you can buy from a range of supermarkets.
We have worked with a local supplier to provide the school jumpers and book bag. As
children progress through the school, you can buy uniform from Schoolwear Direct and chose from a range of delivery options.
St James Primary School Okehampton - Schoolwear Direct
The most important thing for parents and carers is to LABEL EVERYTHING with your child’s name. You can buy sew in or stick on labels, or write in fabric marker on the label. It will save you - and us - hours of searching!
Name Label Stickers
FOSJ is registered with My Nametags, who sell name label stickers and receive commission on sales made through www.mynametags.com .
Just enter the school ID 105031 at checkout, or use this link which automatically adds our code: https://www.mynametags.com/affiliate?id=105031