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St James CofE Primary and Nursery School

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St James CofE Primary and Nursery School

How are the teachers supported in working with children with SEND and what training do they receive?

We are an inclusive school and all of our children are encouraged to participate in all of our activities. We strive to remove any barriers that may prevent a child from feeling able to join in an activity.


Part of the SENDCO’s role is to support the class teacher in planning for children with SEND.


The school provides training and support to enable all staff to improve the teaching and learning of children, including those with SEND. This includes whole school training on SEND issues, such as communication and interaction concerns, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), speech and language difficulties and specific learning difficulties; and also how to help children with social, emotional and mental health needs.


Individual teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific children in their class. We can also refer to advisory teachers who can visit and train the relevant staff if there is a child in the class with specific needs.
